This is my baby girl....she ended up loving soccer and was so cute to watch. Her facial expressions are priceless.
Perfect snack to end the season.....HOT CHOCOLATE AND DOUGHNUTS!
Sidney, Sara, Breckyn, Kate & Brooklyn
Chad (Sidney's Dad) helped me coach (THANK GOODNESS)
Here are my soccer stars. They are both very good and love the game. Morgan decided to try out for a competitive league and made the Dixie Strikers FC team. She will start playing in January and basically go year round. I am not sure I am ready for all of that, 2 practices a week plus games and tourneys AND she wants to play softball too. Glad I got a job so I can pay for all this LOL. BUT, as long as she continues to get good grades, do her chores and be respectful as she is doing will be a great reward for her.
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