Monday, May 19, 2008

24 HOURS!!

So Sunday I was not feeling very well and was in bed for most of the day. Which of coarse means that the kids were having alot of fun. Well, that night I went to get Tinkerbell (our dog) to put her in bed and I could not find her anywhere. I called for her outside and in. I decided that she must have wandered off and would be back any moment. This morning I asked the kids about it and they freaked out because "someone stole her". We made signs and hung them on the stop signs around the neighborhood and I called Animal Control AND checked their website about 5 times. So anyway, Anissa and I planned on going to Costco, so while I was waiting for her, I layed on the couch and dosed off. When she got here, I got up and heard Tinkerbell bark. I looked behind the couch and under the table but decided that I was imagining it. Later on, I went to Tiffany's house to get some medicine for Keegan (he is not doing so good today) and when I came home Breckyn said that Tinkerbell was here. I asked Morgan and she said that Breckyn had found her UNDER the couch. It seems that while I was in bed, Breckyn had opened the recliner which she is not supposed to do, and Tinkerbell went in. Well 24 hours later Breckyn "remembered" where she was "hiding". So I guess I wasn't imagining things after all. That's a relief. After we found her, Morgan said "No wonder why the couch was moving up and down during Keegan's blessing." So, if you ever loose anything, don't forget to check under the cushions. LOL